Intersecting node of two lists

Posted by chunyang on July 17, 2020


This problem was asked by Google.

Given two singly linked lists that intersect at some point, find the intersecting node. The lists are non-cyclical.

For example, given A = 3 -> 7 -> 8 -> 10 and B = 99 -> 1 -> 8 -> 10, return the node with value 8.

In this example, assume nodes with the same value are the exact same node objects.

Do this in O(M + N) time (where M and N are the lengths of the lists) and constant space.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct ListNode {
    int val;
    ListNode* next;
    ListNode(int v): val(v), next(nullptr) {}

int joint_node(ListNode* l, ListNode* r) {
    ListNode* n = l;
    int len1 = 0, len2 = 0;
    while (n) {++len1; n = n->next;}
    n = r;
    while (n) {++len2; n = n->next;}
    if (len1 < len2) {
        swap(len1, len2);
        swap(l, r);
    while (len1 > len2) { l = l->next; --len1;}
    cout << "l->val: " << l->val << endl;
    cout << "r->val: " << r->val << endl;
    while (l && r && l->val != r->val) {
        l = l->next;
        r = r->next;
    if (!l || !r) return -1;
    return l->val;

ListNode* make_list(const vector<int>& data) {
    ListNode dummy(-1);
    ListNode* prev = &dummy;
    for (const int datum : data) {
        ListNode* n = new ListNode(datum);
        prev->next = n;
        prev = n;

void free_list(ListNode* l) {
    while (l) {
        auto n = l->next;
        delete l;
        l = n;

int main() {

    auto l = make_list({2,3,4,5});
    auto r = make_list({6,8,3,4,5});
    cout << joint_node(l, r) << endl;
    free_list(l); free_list(r);
    return 0;