name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- # Git Tutorial Wen Chunyang( --- layout: false ## Git status Any file will be in the following three stages. When we execute command, stages will move forward or backward. + Working directory + Tracked files (already been added to git) + Untracked files (any new files) + Staged + Add new files + Add changed files + Commited + Changes has been commited --- layout: false ## Git basic workflow The basic workflow of git is: + We found some bug or something new, we **checkout** a new branch for it. + After finish patching it, we add any new or changed files. + Commit changes. + Push commits to remote. --- layout: false ## Detailed commands (CONT.) * git checkout -b branch-name + create a new branch with name **branch-name** * git add: + git add . : add everthing here + git add -u . : add everything that is tracked (new files will not be added.) * git commit -m 'message' * git push origin branch-name Then we can create a pull request by comparing **branch-name** with **master** for review. ### Examples ```shell git checkout -b fix-typos git add git commit -m 'ADD:' git push origin master ``` --- layout: false ## Where I am ### How I can know where I am? + git log + git status + git status -uno: only show tracked files + git diff + git diff .: show diff for specific folder + git diff file-name: show diff for files + git diff --cached ./file-name: If we add changed files, show diff between staged and HEAD --- layout: false ## Git branch and origin management After bug fixes or new features are merged into master, we can delete local branch and remote branch. + git branch -D branch-name + git push origin :branch-name: use **:** to delete it We can have multiple origins when we develop. For example, we fork some repository, constantly I want to merge the updates from the repository I fork. A **central**(you name it) origin can be added. + git remote add central origin-url + Under the master branch of my own repository: + git pull central master --- layout: false ## Git rebase Git **rebase** is a fantastic feature. If we follow the git workflow, we will checkout a new branch for my development from current master. After some time, both master and my own branch will move forward, and they diverge from the time I create the branch. Before you try to merge, first you should commit the work currently or stash them: + git stash If you are going to work on after rebase, execute **git stash pop**. The **bad way** is: + git checkout master && git pull + git checkout my-branch && git merge master The **correct way** is: + git checkout master && git pull + git checkout my-branch && git rebase master Now my work starts from a new master. You can also notice this through the rebase log. --- layout: false ## Git reset and revert Well, not all my changes is correct. So I need a way to reset or revert my changes. + reset: changes are not pushed to remote. + revert: changes have been pushed to remote. ### git reset commit-to-reset-to: + This will reset my repository to the specified commit and leave all the changes in the working directory. If you want to drop changes to specific file after reset, use `git checkout -- file-name` + If you want to clean everything, be carefull with this option: + git reset --hard commit-to-reset-to ### git revert commit-to-revert-to: + This will add a new commit: revert commit after HEAD. --- layout: false ## Other useful commands ### Forcely overwrite remotes:(Be carefull) + git push -f origin branch-name ### Squash commits (combine commits) If you have commit three times, and you want to merge them. + HEAD(place where you start your work) + commit-hash-1 + commit-hash-2 + commit-hash-3 Execute: + git rebase -i HEAD(or any commit) Then:, pick(leave commit), squash(drop the commit) --- template: inverse ## Thanks [Return Home](