Base64 encode and decode are used in many places. What is base64 and how to implement base64 encode and decode in python?
- What is base64?
- How to encode bytes into base64 in python?
- How to decode a base64 encoded string?
- Thoughts
What is base64?
Wikipedia says it is a binary to text encodidng method. Base64, like a decimal system on base 10, is based on 64.
6 digits is used to represent a number from 0-63. So basically in base64, it uses 4 characters to represent 3 bytes. The memory increase will be more than 33% (allowing for padding).
Following is a picture of the base64
number and its corresponding characters.
So in summary:
- It is a system based on 64
- 4 characters to represent 3 bytes, memory increase will be at least 33%
How to encode bytes into base64 in python?
Python standard library
import base64
content = b"Man"
result = base64.b64encode(content)
# "TWFu"
Make your hands dirty
import base64
def base64_code_book():
code_book = {}
A = ord("A")
Z = ord("Z")
a = ord("a")
z = ord("z")
zero = ord("0")
nine = ord("9")
Cur = 0
N = Z - A + 1
code_book.update((n, chr(c)) for n, c in zip(range(Cur, Cur+N+1), range(A, Z+1)))
Cur += N
N = z - a + 1
code_book.update((n, chr(c)) for n, c in zip(range(Cur, Cur+N+1), range(a, z+1)))
Cur += N
N = nine - zero + 1
(n, chr(c)) for n, c in zip(range(Cur, Cur+N+1), range(zero, nine+1))
code_book[62] = "+"
code_book[63] = "/"
padding = "="
return code_book, padding
def b64encode(content):
binary = ""
code_book, padding = base64_code_book()
_ = padding
for c in content:
b = f"{c:08b}"
binary += b
size = len(binary)
step = 24
result = ""
for start in range(0, size, step):
end = min(start+step, size)
diff = end - start
if diff < 24:
# Padding needed here
if diff < 10:
# one byte, padding 2
result += code_book[int(binary[start : start+6], base=2)]
result += code_book[int(binary[start+6:]+"0000", base=2)]
result += padding
result += padding
# two byte, padding one
result += code_book[int(binary[start : start+6], base=2)]
result += code_book[int(binary[start+6 : start+12], base=2)]
result += code_book[int(binary[start+12:]+"00", base=2)]
result += padding
for _ in range(0, 24, 6):
result += code_book[int(binary[_+start : _+start+6], base=2)]
return result.encode("utf-8")
content = b"Man"
res1 = b64encode(content)
res2 = base64.b64encode(content)
content = b"Many hands make light wor"
res1 = b64encode(content)
res2 = base64.b64encode(content)
- I dont know why
returns type ofbytes
How to decode a base64 encoded string?
Python standard library
import base64
b = b"TWFu"
res = base64.b64decode(b)
Make your hands dirty again
def b64decode(content):
content = content.decode("utf-8")
size = len(content)
code_book, padding = base64_code_book()
reverse_code_book = dict((v, k) for k, v in code_book.items())
step = 4
binary = ""
for start in range(0, size, step):
end = start + 4
shift = 0
while content[end-1] == padding:
shift += 1
end -= 1
temp = ""
for c in content[start:end]:
v = reverse_code_book[c]
temp += f"{v:06b}"
if shift != 0:
binary += temp[:-shift*2]
binary += temp
step = 8
size = len(binary)
print(f"Binary: {binary}")
result = b""
for start in range(0, size, step):
result += int(binary[start:start+8], base=2).to_bytes(1, byteorder=sys.byteorder)
return result
content = b"Man"
Please refer to previous paragraph for the definition of
Convert from ascii and int
In cpp, the language allows us to directly do mathematical operations between char
and int
. In python, we can not.
and ord
can be used to convert between char and int.
b = ord('a')
a = chr(b)
Convert an int to binary representation
Python provides function like bin
, oct
and hex
to convert from a int to its corresponding
format. What if we want to control the length of the binary representation?
a = 3
b = bin(a) # 0b101
c = b[2:].rjust(8, '0') # c = b[2:].zfill(8) # only fill zero
d = b[2:].ljust(8, '0')
e = f"{a:0>6b}"
f = f"{a:0<6b}"
g = f"{a:0^6b}" # Fill left and right
Int to bytes
a = 3
length = 1
print(int.to_bytes(1, a))
### bytes array