is an essential part in STL. We can use iterator to:
- traverse the elements of sequence or associative containers.
- work with STL’s algorithm
There are five kinds of iterators
- Input Iterator
- Forward Iterator: only moves ahead
- Bidirectional Iterator: can move forward or backward
- Random Access Iterator: can randomly any valid position
- Output Iterator
- All above three iterators can be an output iterator.
Common Iterator Wrapper
In most STL’s algorithms, users are responsible for allocating space for the output. But most
time we donot know the space we need in advance. For example, copy
vector<int> source{1,2,3};
vector<int> target;
copy(source.begin(), source.end(), target.begin());
The above program may crash. We can fix it by initializing the target
with a size of
. It is easy that we forget this kind of initialization. back_inserter
comes to
help here.
copy(source.begin(), source.end(), back_inserter(target));
turns the moving the forward operation into a push_back
vector<int> source{1,2,3};
deque<int> target;
set<int> s;
// the same with: `front_inserter` and `inserter`
copy(source.begin(), source.end(), front_inserter(target));
copy(source.begin(), source.end(), inserter(s, s.end()));
IO related
- used to consume input stream
- used to print values
vector<int> v;
istringstream s("1 2 3");
istream_iterator<int> ii(s);
copy(ii, istream_iterator<int>(), back_inserter(v));
It automatically coverts the input stream to the specified data type and put them into the container.
If we want to print all the elements in a container, how can we implement it? We can use a range
for clause.
vector<int> v{1,2,3};
for (int vv: v) {
cout << vv << ", "
cout << endl;
//^1, 2, 3, $
We can also use a ostream_iterator
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout, ", "));
cout << endl;
//^1, 2, 3, $
Common functions
advance(iter, distance)
: no iterator returneddistance(start_iter, end_iter)
: returns the distancenext(iter, distance=1)
: returns updated iteratorprev(iter, distance=1)
: returns updated iteratorbegin(container)
: returns the starting iteratorend(container)
: returns the last iterator