
If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.

String in cpp

Introduction Convert to and from numbers Convert a number into a string Convert a number from a string Construct a s...

Notes about making Github pages beautiful

Introduction Auto TOC Highlight Anchor Comment Introduction More and more people are using Github pages as their personal website. Git...

Python descriptor

Property Descriptor Recently in my project, I need to dynamically add property to an instance. It is easy that any class can support it. c...

Dijkstra's 3-way quick sort

Quick-sort is one of the greatest inventions. Most of the time, its time complexity is O(nlogn). However, when the input array contains lots of dup...

C++ Iterator

Introduction Common Iterator Wrapper Inserters IO related Common functions Introduction Iterator is an essenti...

Design pattern

无意中发现一个网址介绍设计模式,觉得介绍的特别清楚,而且每种模式用语言描述得比较直观。 Refactoring.Guru 首先介绍了比较经典的 SOLID 原则: Single Responsibility Open / Close Liskov Substitution ...

Approach a System Design Interview

翻译自:Approach a System Design Interview 所有权归原作者所有。仅供参考学习 本博客会教你如何在短时间内系统地处理系统设计的面试。总所周知,这个主题十分宽泛,要想成为 这方面的专家,需要持续阅读相关主题、书以及实践。 我会撰写一系列的博客来理清系统设计面...

Redis python API cheatsheet

Introduction 主要的类和函数 Redis, StrictRedis Monitor Pubsub, PubSubWorkerThread Pipeline Script BitFieldOp...