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blogs archived by time
2024 Dec (3)
Pointer to pointer (Dec 28)
Integer overflow (Dec 27)
CMake and Google benchmark (Dec 21)
2022 Aug (2)
PyTorch slow inference (Aug 23)
Arrays and dict in bash (Aug 19)
2022 Jun (2)
Build a menubar macos App using PyQt5 and PyInstaller (Jun 28)
Partially render in Jinja (Jun 07)
2022 May (7)
Linux split (May 29)
std::transform not working with std::toupper (May 26)
python pickle (May 18)
Python Jinja2 (May 16)
How tornado starts? (May 09)
Kubernetes python package (May 07)
iptables in linux (May 06)
2022 Apr (4)
logger.debug causes performance issues (Apr 24)
Python itertools (Apr 21)
Python tempfile module (Apr 14)
tmux conf (Apr 11)
2022 Mar (2)
Buffer only in vim (Mar 22)
Base64 in python (Mar 18)
2022 Jan (1)
Date and string format in python (Jan 26)
2021 Nov (2)
Python command line comparison (Nov 10)
Add Unique ID for Http Request (Nov 03)
2021 May (1)
Who passes the additional argument to my `fn` ? (May 21)
2021 Mar (1)
GeoHash algorithm (Mar 01)
2021 Feb (1)
Find the minimum in a rotated array (Feb 05)
2020 Dec (1)
Merge tensorflow models (Dec 27)
2020 Nov (1)
Estimator core in evaluator (Nov 24)
2020 Oct (1)
Estimator OOM after export model frequently (Oct 27)
2020 Sep (2)
Feature column a tutorial (Sep 11)
Estimator a tutorial (Sep 03)
2020 Aug (3)
Python unittest and unittest.mock (Aug 20)
Tensorflow save and restore A tutorial (Aug 13)
Running Median (Aug 06)
2020 Jul (27)
Run-length encoding (Jul 28)
Edit distance (Jul 28)
Containing water (Jul 28)
K node from end (Jul 25)
Bracket match (Jul 25)
Regular expression match (Jul 23)
Lock or unlock a binary tree (Jul 21)
Minimum steps to reach (Jul 20)
Combinations of words (Jul 19)
Minimum number of rooms required (Jul 18)
Enum in Cpp and Python (Jul 18)
Intersecting node of two lists (Jul 17)
Minimum cost to color houses (Jul 16)
Sliding maximum of range k subarray (Jul 15)
Longest file path size (Jul 15)
Fixed size queue (Jul 13)
Pick a number randomly from an unlimited stream (Jul 12)
Estimate PI (Jul 11)
At most distinct K (Jul 10)
Climb up staircase (Jul 09)
An autocomplete system (Jul 08)
Job scheduler (Jul 07)
Maximum non-adjacent sum (Jul 06)
Xor linked list (Jul 05)
Universal tree (Jul 05)
Decode ways (Jul 05)
Cdr and car of a pair (Jul 01)
2020 Jun (2)
How does tensorflow create a kernel? (Jun 26)
Build tensorflow on Mac (Jun 20)
2020 May (4)
How to fill a container? (May 10)
How to Design a Scalable Rate Limiting Algorithm (May 08)
Revisit compare in map and set (May 07)
Python closure (May 05)
2020 Mar (5)
Leetcode summary of 20200301-20200308 (Mar 14)
Python contextlib (Mar 11)
Lower bound and upper bound of set/map (Mar 08)
Move subdirectory of a git repository and keep commit message (Mar 08)
Leetcode summary of 20200223-20200301 (Mar 01)
2020 Feb (5)
Ugly number I and II (Feb 25)
Leetcode summary of 20200217-20200223 (Feb 24)
How to exit nested loops (Feb 18)
Leetcode summary of 20200209-20200216 (Feb 16)
Common functions implemented using STL (Feb 08)
2019 Dec (1)
SuperTAB and YouCompleteMe compatibility (Dec 26)
2019 Nov (4)
Generate random numbers in C++ (Nov 06) in Python (Nov 05)
operator module in Python (Nov 02)
std::ofstream in cpp (Nov 01)
2019 Oct (6)
std::ifstream in cpp (Oct 30)
Python File related IO (Oct 28)
functools in Python (Oct 17)
abc module in Python (Oct 16)
String in cpp (Oct 13)
Notes about making Github pages beautiful (Oct 11)
2019 Sep (8)
Python descriptor (Sep 30)
Leetcode summary of 20190922-20190929 (Sep 29)
Dijkstra's 3-way quick sort (Sep 24)
Leetcode summary of 20190915-20190922 (Sep 22)
C++ Iterator (Sep 22)
Leetcode summary of 20190908-20190915 (Sep 15)
Leetcode summary of 20190901-20190908 (Sep 08)
Leetcode summary of 20190826-20190901 (Sep 01)
2019 Aug (1)
Design pattern (Aug 16)
2019 Jul (3)
Approach a System Design Interview (Jul 18)
Redis python API cheatsheet (Jul 07)
Nginx server and location selection (Jul 06)
2019 Jun (1)
Add custom domain for github pages (Jun 10)
2019 May (3)
Merge interval and Insert interval (May 18)
Prime related (May 16)
Subsets and Permutations (May 11)
2019 Apr (16)
Linked list cycle (Apr 27)
Median of two sorted arrays (Apr 26)
Jump game (Apr 24)
Binary tree traversal (Apr 19)
Compare in set and map (Apr 18)
Compile and run STL using llvm(libcxx) (Apr 17)
C++ bind and function (Apr 16)
C++ STL algorithm (Apr 10)
Majority Element I && II (Apr 09)
C++ STL priority queue and heap (Apr 08)
Most Common Word (Apr 07)
Implement strStr (Apr 06)
Squares of a Sorted Array (Apr 05)
Non-decreasing Array (Apr 05)
Shortest unsorted continuous subarray (Apr 04)
C++ STL algo base (Apr 01)
2019 Mar (5)
C++ STL stack, queue and deque (Mar 30)
C++ STL list and slit (Mar 29)
C++ STL Vector (Mar 28)
C++ allocation related (Mar 27)
C++ pair and type traits, construct, uninitialzed copy and fill (Mar 26)
2018 Oct (1)
Python logging module (Oct 27)
2018 Apr (3)
why indentLint not working with mac vim (8.0)? (Apr 18)
改变之前 commit 的信息 (Apr 05)
Python 中 Retrier 的实现 (Apr 01)
2017 Dec (4)
A Guide To Python Magic Methods (Dec 24)
如何使用 sphinx 来生成代码文档 (Dec 16)
Descriptor and decorator in Python (Dec 10)
Diagram in UML (Dec 03)
2017 Nov (2)
Git tutorial (Nov 27)
Integrating RemarkJS with Jekyll (Nov 26)
2017 Mar (7)
awk内置函数和字符串 (Mar 28)
awk 基本概念 (Mar 27)
sed 正则表达式简介 (Mar 19)
Linux shell 条件判断 (Mar 18)
关于频繁换工作的思考 (Mar 16)
awk + wget 实现的简单爬虫 (Mar 11)
去除下载文档中的水印 (Mar 09)
2016 Dec (1)
Macbook新机的一些配置记录 (Dec 04)
2016 Mar (1)
iterator (Mar 10)
2015 Mar (1)
git basics (Mar 01)
2015 Feb (1)
vim configuration (Feb 28)
2014 May (4)
Implicit conversions (May 28)
Multitasking Management in the Operating System Kernel (May 15)
iostream用法 (May 12)
C++中动态内存分配 (May 04)
2014 Apr (6)
C++中模板的学习 (Apr 27)
sizeof的总结 (Apr 24)
Remove comments in java or C++ (Apr 23)
Closures in Ruby (Apr 18)
Implementation of A star algorithm (Apr 09)
Code Rush观后感 (Apr 03)
2014 Mar (2)
<<高效能程序员的修炼>>读后感 (Mar 31)
To the last day of March (Mar 31)